Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ 1_Contemporary issues in criminal justice

DQ 1_Contemporary issues in criminal justice

Q On page 49 of your textbook, there is an excerpt from the New York Times in reference to a class action lawsuit filed by the more than 70 Juveniles and their families. Briefly explain what this lawsuit entailed and your thoughts on it. Also, provide at least three solutions as to how the United States can prevent these incidents from happening again.

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The case was about how two judges unlawfully putting juvenile offenders in the privately run detention centers. As per the suit, both of the judges prior to their resignation, they used to consider using “kids as commodities that could be traded for cash”. Such an unethical act has been beyond any imagination and doubtlessly such an incident made a negative mark on the juvenile justice system of the Luzerne County in Pennsylvania.